Offer factoring solutions to your clients using Fintech Market's secure and customizable SaaS platform.
Factoring software on the FTM loan management platform gives financial institutions options to service their clients with personalized products and offers to provide them with immediate cash flow, allowing them to access funds that would otherwise be tied up in unpaid invoices. Prioritizing customizability, swift integration, compliance, and security, our factoring software empowers clients to fine-tune terms, discount rates, and account features to align with their specific factoring requirements.
FTM factoring software includes management tools such as account creation, flexible fee configuration, automated document generating, and swift invoice uploading options.
Fintech Market factoring software helps to assess and manage the risk associated with the factored invoices, including monitoring the creditworthiness of the business and its customers.
FTM's loan management software allows secure digital payments with flexible payment options in various currencies, real-time reporting with convenient data exporting options, and automated communications through SMS, email, Slack, WhatsApp, and more.
FTM property rent factoring software adapts to your unique business needs, offering diverse rent product customization, efficient property and tenant management, and automating the rent collection.
Our team would be delighted to introduce you to all the functionalities. Schedule a demo to explore how our solution aligns with your business needs.